How many of you remember your time as a girl scout or cub scout? Ok, next question, how many of you remember a father/daughter dance or mother/son event? I do!!! This weekend has been so much fun as I had the opportunity to photograph a girl scout father/daughter dance and fell in love with the event!! It was so endearing to watch several age groups arrive in their "fancy" dresses with fathers in tow. You could just see the glow on every girl's face as they checked in...many with a corsage from adorable! You knew that this night was meant to be special. I spent time taking a formal photo of each couple and decided to sit and watch the dance for a bit while reminiscing of my own father/daughter dance in 6th grade. I have to admit that I got choked up often as I miss my own father so much. That is exactly what inspired me put a lot of emphasis on this particular portrait. :) Time goes so quickly and pictures are such a valuable asset for milestones!

Approximately 70 people attended the event and I had so many giggles inside of me while watching a conga line, hokey pokey, a couple of very young girls perform "walk like an egyptian" to Bee Gees "Stayin' Alive," girls dancing on daddy's toes, and toward the end of the evening--tuckering out on their father's shoulder. The bond between a father and daughter is wonderful! I was highly impressed with every dad who not only dressed up and took their daughter to something so special, but letting loose and dedicating their awesome dance moves to their girls!!! You guys rock!!!

Looking back on my childhood, it was fun to put myself in these girl's shoes...especially when they were making up dances with their girlfriends and laughing uncontrollably!! Friendship is the best!! Plus, girls are so funny when a camera is around...they love to pose!! Thank you girl scouts for putting on such a great family bonding event, my delicious cookies, and for letting me be somewhat of a fly on the wall! May you all continue to have many great memories with your fathers!!

As always thank you for stopping by to take a look! Please note: All photographs and graphics on this site are the property of Red Umbrella Photography, and may not be used for any purpose without permission. Most of the pictures you will find on my website are available for license. If you are interested in using one of my images for your website or print materials, please contact me at
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